Looking for a Court Bond / Bond of Security?
With Novarti’s experience in the Bond of Security / Court Bond market there is no need to look any further for all your Master of the High court needs:
Trustee Bonds
There has been a recent surge in demand in the market from Trustees requiring bonds to the satisfaction of the Master. These bonds often relate to trusts set up in the administration of RAF payment proceeds. Novarti is able to source capacity in this regard from a large Insurer that is on the Master’s panel and will assist in providing Trustees with these bonds.
Executor Bonds
We offer Executor bonds to Attorneys, Accountants, and other professionals specialising in deceased estates. In addition to offering bonds for the full value of the estate, we offer attorneys top up cover on bonds which exceed their Legal Practice Council.
Curator Bonds
Curators generally battle to find cover in the local market for bonds of this nature. Let Novarti solve this problem for you by arranging capacity for Curator Bonds of all sizes. We do both Curator Bonis Bonds relating to incapacitated persons’ estates and Curator Bonds issued in terms of The Prevention of Organised Crime Act.
Liquidation Bonds
Novarti understands the insolvency industry and the nature of liquidation bonds, including the short timelines required to enable practitioners to obtain certificates of appointment expeditiously. Coupled with our efficient service, Novarti in conjunction with its underwriters and Insurers have managed to secure sufficient capacity to service even the largest of bonds in the market.
The Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) and Bond of Security for a Curator Bonis
The Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) is a branch of the National Prosecuting Authority. Its mission is to “take the profit out of crime”. In other words, the unit aims to ensure that crime does not pay by removing the benefits derived from criminal activity. The Asset Forfeiture Unit targets the proceeds of certain crimes in particular, namely economic crime (e.g. fraud and 419 scams), corruption, cases involving natural resources, brothels, drugs, precious metals, violent crimes such as robbery, housebreaking, theft and the possession of stolen property.
Asset Insurance
Cover for the assets within a deceased or liquidated estate. The wording is tailored to protect the interest of heirs / clients as well as the potential fiduciary liability of the Executor / Liquidator. There are flexible payment terms on the policy. We understand the business and even the citation of the Executor and Estate will be correct on the policy.
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Get in touch
Call us on:
012 111 1971
Visit Us:
Cape Connection,
59 Garsfontein Road,
Pretoria, 0161
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About Novarti
Novarti Insurance Brokers specialise in the Court Bond / Bond of Security market. We have clients throughout South Africa and service them efficiently from our offices in Pretoria. Our team understands the Bond of Security market and can assist our clients with any queries.

We Work Fast
Your time is precious, so we won’t waste it. With the authority to act on behalf of insurers and thanks to our in-house underwriters and administrators, we do everything more efficiently – from issuing policies (within hours), to changing them (within minutes) and our expertise when it comes to the Bond of security market.
We Get Personal
You deal with qualified insurance people, with legal backgound. Because we make an effort to get to know our clients and their businesses, you know who to contact in every situation. We don’t have a call-centre, Novarti Insurance give you the direct phone numbers of your very own portfolio manager. And, because we know you, we’ll always strive to do the right thing by you.
Download Facility & Individual Application Forms
Complete the form below and the relevant application form will be emailed to you directly.
Facility Application:
To be completed by the Attorney / Fiduciary Practitioner / Liquidator / Agent
Individual Application:
To be completed in an instance where individual is appointed as Executor with Attorney / Fiduciary Practitioner as the agent (Attorney/ Fiduciary Practitioner/ Agent must still complete facility application)